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"A very nice little Ground"

has rated Broadhall Way (Lamex Stadium) 2.5 out of 5.

ajimofalltrades' review of Broadhall Way (Lamex Stadium)

A very nice little ground which provides a very enjoyable and pleasant away day.

As small grounds go, it is a nice place to watch football with a very good view of the pitch and a nice little atmosphere. The experience isn't going to blow you away, but well worth a visit.

One of my particular highlights was the bloke who does the PA who was an entertaining cross between Alan Partridge and Stewart Hall.


The ground is fairly easy to find. It is slightly hidden from the main road, but there is fairly good signage from the station. There are a few major roads and junctions to cross from the station that can add a little confusion but nothing too much to worry about. It's about a mile from the station which isn't too bad to walk


The seats were standard plastic seats which were fairly comfortable. The view is really good with no obstructions and you can get sit quite close to the pitch if like that.


The toilets are quite small and a little bit dingy.

Food & Drink

The one small food outlet was certainly overworked when I was there and there was a very long queue. However, you can see the pitch from the back of the queue. The quality of the food wasn't the best, but it wasn't too shabby either.

Police & Stewards

My last visit to the stadium the stewarding was a bit chaotic. Because they had completely sold the away end they decided they would enforce the allocated seating as per each ticket. I was worried about how this might unfold before I got to the ground and most away games I've been to you sit where you want.

I felt sorry for the stewards on the day because there was no way that with staff that they had that they were going to enforce the policy. When I arrived with my wife and 2.5 year old it was clear we couldn't use our allocated seating. We asked a few people and the consensus seemed to be that you sit where you want and we found 3 seats where we could attach our booster for the kid and all was sorted.

Unfortunately, a few fans came along and wanted to sit in their allocated seating and got the stewards to move us on. I don't have a problem with this particularly, other than, if you are going to enforce the allocated seating to have us moved on then you have to enforce the allocated seating for where we should have been, and the stewards couldn't do it. One steward did make a laughable attempt to shout above all the chanting of about 200 people, asking them to all sit in their seats. In the end a couple of other fans moved to make some space for us but by the time this happened we had missed two goals.

In short, if you're going to have an allocated seating policy, you need to enforce it for everyone, or realise it's not going to work and let the fans sit where they want. You can't have it where you enforce it for some people but not for others.

The other main issue with the stewards is that the stand right at the front and don't make much attempt to get out of the way of your view. We couldn't see the goal down the other end because the steward was stood right in front of us.


The atmosphere is o.k, it didn't really sound like a noisy stadium and the home fans didn't really do too much to add to it.

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Ratings for Broadhall Way (Lamex Stadium)

LocationAspect 1 rating: 3.0 stars
ViewAspect 2 rating: 3.5 stars
FacilitiesAspect 3 rating: 2.5 stars
Food & DrinkAspect 4 rating: 2.0 stars
Police & StewardsAspect 5 rating: 1.0 star
AtmosphereAspect 6 rating: 2.5 stars
OverallOverall rating: 1.0 stars

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