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Top Tips to Improve your Sports Betting Success

Improve your sports betting success

We all enjoy betting on sports every now and then, even if it's just a little flutter on the Stanley Cup once a year. And why not? It's a fun addition to watching an event, and there's the added bonus of the chance to make a bit of money. Most of us stop there, and simply place some wagers as a bit of fun – but what if you want to take it further? Turning a profit from sports betting is difficult, but far from impossible. Here are our top tips for increasing your earnings from sports betting.

1. Learn the Jargon

It may sound obvious, but it's essential that you are schooled in all the basics before you get serious about sports betting. For example, being able to read the odds and know exactly what they mean is vital if you want to decide if a bet is worth placing. We're in a global market now, and different countries display odds in different formats. Luckily, there are plenty of online resources which can help you understand fractional, decimal and moneyline odds.

2. Shop Around for a Great Betting Site

These days, the best way to place bets is undoubtedly online. For sports betting Canada fans, this will probably mean using an offshore site, so consult a trusted source like to find verified and licensed online bookmakers operating in the Canadian market. Online sportsbooks are competing for your business, so take your time to find one that offers great odds on your preferred sports. You can take advantage of some of the special bonuses and promotions as well. In addition, mobile betting gives you the flexibility to place bets at any time, even during an event.

3. Be Strict with Yourself

This tip refers to budgeting and staking, and it's a crucial one. Set yourself a realistic and affordable daily, weekly or monthly limit for your sports betting spending. This is especially important when you're starting out, as it's good to create responsible habits early on. As well as this, set a limit on the percentage of your budget that you are allowed to place on a single wager, and make it a low limit. These two safeguards mean that betting remains fun, your bankroll lasts longer, and you're less likely to make reckless or rash bets.

4. Specialize

If you focus on one type of sport, you're much more likely to be successful in sports betting. Don't spread yourself thin and wager indiscriminately on too many different events. Being an expert in one sport, league or even an individual team will mean that you are able to make more informed decisions about your wagers. Become enough of an expert, and you may just see something that the bookies missed. This especially applies to some of the more niche sports.

5. Keep a Cool Head

We get very passionate about sports, but passion and betting are a bad combination. If you don't think that you can trust yourself to remain calm regarding a certain team or event, it may be best to abstain from betting in these cases – unless you are doing so purely for fun with an affordable bet. Similarly, don't allow yourself to get over-confident when you're having a good run, or lose heart and get frustrated after a downturn. Keeping your emotions in check is key under all circumstances. Needless to say, close your betting app and shut down your laptop if you're having some drinks – impulse betting under the influence rarely ends well.

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